
目前顯示的是 3月, 2019的文章

VSCode launch.json add PHPStan and syntax check debug functions

After XDebug extensions added, fix your launch.json for more debug functions as console output of text editor like EditPlus or Notepad++ does. In Linux VSCode: {     "version": "0.2.0",     "configurations": [         {             "name": "Listen for XDebug",             "type": "php",             "request": "launch",             "port": 9000         },         {             "name": "Launch currently open script",             "type": "php",             "request"...

絕對禁止 Firefox 自動更新

外掛不會跟隨火狐更新,有可能導致外掛失效 把火狐預設的更新目錄設定為「唯讀」,即使有更新通知, 也無法下載 c:\Users\你的用戶名稱\AppData\Local\Mozilla\updates\ 必須用群組管理,不只是單純勾選唯讀 attrib