combine a jpeg image and a mp3 song to a video mpeg4
Tested in windows ffmpeg program.
Target: a jpeg image + a mp3 audio song ==> convert to a mpeg4 video with frames specified.
ffmpeg -loop_input -vframes 2340 -i u:/chu.jpg -i u:/chu.mp3 -y -r 12 -vcodec mpeg4 u:/chu.mp4
in above case, convert chu.jpg and chu.mp3 to chu.mp4, 12 frames per second, there are 195 secs total length of the chu.mp3, so, 195*12=2340 (frames).
This is a useful command if upload a mp3 to tube in mp4 video format.
Target: a jpeg image + a mp3 audio song ==> convert to a mpeg4 video with frames specified.
ffmpeg -loop_input -vframes 2340 -i u:/chu.jpg -i u:/chu.mp3 -y -r 12 -vcodec mpeg4 u:/chu.mp4
in above case, convert chu.jpg and chu.mp3 to chu.mp4, 12 frames per second, there are 195 secs total length of the chu.mp3, so, 195*12=2340 (frames).
This is a useful command if upload a mp3 to tube in mp4 video format.